Can we give a big shout out to all of the rescues out there?! Day in and day out they work tirelessly with minimal resources to save...
We Love Rescues!
Can we give a big shout out to all of the rescues out there?! Day in and day out they work tirelessly with minimal resources to save...
2020 was quite the year. We saw and experienced many things we probably never thought possible. But we got through it and are ready to...
I admit it my dog gets table scraps. Is it a good thing to do? Some would say NO, but he’s my dog and I and my family do what we think is...
When we started this company we committed to donating a portion of each months proceeds to a different rescue. Fir the month of October...
Let's be honest, we all love being with our pets and leaving them home can be hard. In saying that I am sure many of you have seen an...
There was a sweet story this week about a dog who had been returned to a rescue THREE times. This sounds crazy to me but it does happen....
The day is finally here! As you can see these Vizslas are very happy about that. We are ready to take orders. Packaging, labels,...
A lucky dog in Texas named Burry will be getting the first batch of our treats in a day or so. (His photo is below) This is a test run...
That is the million dollar question and one you should always consider when giving your dog treats and snacks. Sometimes it is hard to...
The "Cover Dogs" are all pets of friends of mine. They are all happy loved pups. I never anticipated such a huge response of photos but...
Look at the faces of the dogs on the front page. These are faces of happy well loved dogs. Every dog should be so lucky. For the ones...